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Nauru flag map

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Image 6108068: Nauru flag map

Nauru flag map
Image ID: 6108068   |   Image Type: JPEG Photograph
Image Description: Nauru flag map, three dimensional render, isolated on white

Select Image Size & Add to Cart

xs 400x376px JPEG $1
s 800x751px JPEG $4
m 1495x1403px JPEG $6
l 2114x1985px JPEG $10
xl 2589x2431px JPEG $15
xxl 3662x3438px JPEG $20
xxxl 4727x4438px JPEG $25
EPS or Ai format. Scalable to any size. Requires vector editing software such as Adobe Illustrator, CorelDRAW or Inkscape.
Extended License options

 Consumer Merchandise $50

This license specifically entitles you to use an image for placement on products for commercial resale or redistribution. Some examples include: mugs, mouse pads, t-shirts and other apparel, toys; greeting cards, stationary, calendars, stickers, posters, artwork and similar paper products.

 Electronic Templates $50

This extended license includes permission to resell or distribute the image as part of an electronic template, such as an e-greeting card, Powerpoint slideshow template, or software deployment package.

 Unlimited Print Run $50

Quantity of reproductions is limited to fewer than 500,000 for the standard license. This extended license has no limit.

 Unlimited Seats License $50

This license enables any number of employees of the same company to use the image.

Please contact us to purchase any of these extended license options.

Extended License options  $50
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Which size? Calculate the size you need based on the print resolution required.

Calculate print size at DPI:
Image edition Size in cm Size in inches
XS 3.4 x 3.2 cm 1.3 x 1.3"
S 6.8 x 6.4 cm 2.7 x 2.5"
M 12.7 x 11.9 cm 5.0 x 4.7"
L 17.9 x 16.8 cm 7.0 x 6.6"
XL 21.9 x 20.6 cm 8.6 x 8.1"
XXL 31.0 x 29.1 cm 12.2 x 11.5"
XXXL 40.0 x 37.6 cm 15.8 x 14.8"
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