Feverpitched Feverpitched
United States
Winchester, United States
My time: 06:08
Images approved: 8085
Images sold: 4841
Why do I take pictures:
I love it! I've been taking pictures since I was a kid. I thought shooting FILM was a blast. Digital photography has added such an instantaneous reward. As a graphic designer I found that I could shoot my own imagery. Soon came the client requests, and away we went. It's all very rewarding.
When I don't photograph, I...:
...I try and keep up with my multi-media graphic design company - Feverpitch Productions. http://www.feverpitchpro.com, and spend time with my awesome wife!
My favourite photographer, and why:
Walter Iooss. He's just cool! I once art directed a shoot with him (like he needed direction. Ha!) He was very receptive to my ideas. We shot the US Olympic soccer team for a trading card set. We all had a blast. After the shoot Walter went surfing. What a day at work, I thought.
The meaning of life, in my opinion:
Don't friggen WORRY so much. Good things happen if you let them!
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Photos And Illustrations By Feverpitched

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